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1999年-2003年就读于中国药科大学获理学学士学位;2003年-2008年就读于中国医学科学院药物研究所从事神经药理学及老年退行性疾病分子机制的研究,获药理学博士学位;2008年9月进入biwn必赢工作。讲授本科生《药理学》、 《药理学实验》、 《生理学实验》等课程。


1. Jin J, Yuan Y, Yang B, Zhang W, Hu J, Zhang Y, Chen NH. Overexpressed Alpha-Synuclein Regulated the Nuclear Factor-kappaB Signal Pathway. Cell Mol Neurobiol.2008,28(1):21-33.

2. 金金,苑玉和,杨波,孙建栋,陈乃宏 过表达α-synuclein的细胞毒性及对损伤性刺激的影响 中国老年学杂志 2010, 3:760-763.

3. 苑玉和,金金,杨波,张威,胡金凤,陈乃宏 Alpha-Synuclein 促进凋亡的机制研究 中国药理通讯 2007,24(3),22.

4. Li M1, Liu X, Sun X, Wang Z, Guo W, Hu F, Yao H, Cao X, Jin J, Wang PG, Shen J, Li Z. Therapeutic effects of NK-HDAC-1, a novel histone deacetylase inhibitor, on collagen- induced arthritis through the induction of apoptosis of fibroblast-like synoviocytes. Inflammation. 2013;36(4):888-96.

5. Jiang D, Zhang Q, Zheng Q, Zhou H, Jin J, Zhou W, Bartlam M, Rao Z. Structural analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis ATP-binding cassette transporter subunit UgpB reveals specificity for glycerophosphocholine. FEBS J. 2014;281(1):331-41

6. Zheng Q, Jiang D, Zhang W, Zhang Q, Jin J, Li X, Yang H, Bartlam M, Shaw N, Zhou W, Rao Z. On mechanism of dephosphorylation of glucosyl-3-phosphoglycerate by a histidine phosphatase.J Biol Chem. 2014 Jun 9

7. Xu K, Li S, Yang W, Li K, Bai Y, Xu Y, Jin J, Wang Y, Bartlam M. Structural and Biochemical Analysis of Tyrosine Phosphatase Related to Biofilm Formation A (TpbA) from the Opportunistic Pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1. PLoS One. 2015,10(4):e0124330.

8. Tian Y, Jin J, Wang C, Lv W, Li X, Che X, Gong Y, Li Y, Li Q, Hou J, Wang PG, Shen J. A sub-milligram -synthesis protocol for in vitro screening of HDAC11 inhibitors. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 2016; 26(10):2434-7. 

9. Bai X, Lu C, Jin J, Tian S, Guo Z, Chen P, Zhai G, Zheng S, He X, Fan E, Zhang Y, Zhang K. Development of a DNA-Templated Peptide Probe for Photoaffinity Labeling and Enrichment of the Histone Modification Reader Proteins. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2016;55(28):7993-7.

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    • 邮箱:yaoxueyuan@nankai.edu.cn

    • 电话: 86-22-23506290

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